The initial concept was born October 2010, when time after time searching for the perfect gift box, new mother Louise could never really find what she was looking for. Louise explained, “I would spend ages searching on the internet with an idea of what I wanted in mind but could never really find it, and when I did purchase hampers or gift boxes was sadly disappointed when they arrived.”
After numerous disappointments Louise started to create her own gift boxes to give on special occasions. Always met with an enthusiastic response, friends and family urged Louise to go into business creating and selling filled gift boxes. Although on maternity leave and only having given birth in June, with the support of her husband John, Louise decided to seek advice from West Lothian's Enterprise Centre in Livingston. Following a optimistic meeting with a Business Gateway advisor they left feeling positive about Louise's new business venture. From there Louise spent the next few months sourcing stock suppliers and creating her own website. After busy and challenging days looking after a new baby Louise's evenings were then taken up by her new venture, although tiring and sometimes stressful she was determined to make a go of it. Louise explained, “I didn't know where to start and spent so many hours scrolling through the internet to find suppliers that could provide me with quality and luxury stock at affordable prices. The hours spent have paid off though as I now believe I have products with the quality I was looking for.”
Louise could use a computer well but had never done anything as complex as building a website, however she decided she would attempt this due to the limited start up funds she had. After finding a reliable platform to host her website Louise set to work and has now created a user friendly and inviting website to sell her gift boxes from.
Louise has now returned to work part time in March 2011 and the rest of her time, along with being a mummy is be spent on her new and much loved gift box business. Louise plans and hopes one day in the near future this will be her full time job! Gift Box Galore intend to keep adding to their gift box collection as the business grows, and also offer a Bespoke service for customers to create their own gift boxes from their full product list, and a corporate service for business needs. So if your looking for a gift that is a little different from the usual gift hampers you see, then Gift Box Galore is definitely worth a visit!
Email: info@giftboxgalore.co.uk