
Saturday, 19 November 2011

Introducing Bagabook

I thought I would tell you a little about our range of Bagabooks - because if you are looking for a Christmas present for someone who is difficult to buy for - and we ALL know someone like this! - a Bagabook could be the answer.

A Bagabook is a very stylish book carrier which is ideal for carrying a book whilst travelling.   But it can be used not only with a book - but for a variety of different items.

A Bagabook can be used for:

a)  Carrying an e-reader

b)  Carrying a notepad

c)   Use it for a diary - create your own personal organiser which can be used year after year!

Inside, there is a handy pocket for a travel card etc, a pen holder and a bookmark.   It also closes very easily with a magnetic clasp.

There are 2 styles available - Bagabook Classic and Bagabook Executive

So, to sum up - this is a fantastic product to buy as a Christmas gift - because of its versatility.

Bagabook is available to buy from BagPurse - with prices starting from £16.95 - and free UK P&P

Bagabook Classic 
Bagabook Executive
Bagabook Executive

Friday, 18 November 2011

Life as I know it: An introduction ......

Life as I know it: An introduction ......: So I have started a blog - my very own space to bore people to tears. This is my way of keeping a diary of what is going on around me, and...

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Gift Box Galore: Christmas Sparkle!!

Gift Box Galore: Christmas Sparkle!!: In my opinion sparkle is always good but at Christmas even more so! Whether its dressing up for that all important Christmas night out, acc...

BagPurse and CHAS

Registered Charity Number SC019724
At BagPurse, we try, on an ongoing basis,  to raise money for CHAS.   What I would like to do is just to tell everyone a little more about who CHAS are and what they do.

CHAS is the only charity in Scotland that provides vital hospice services for children and young people with life-shortening conditions.

There are 2 Children's Hospices - Rachel House in Kinross and Robin House in Balloch.   CHAS also run a home care service called CHAS at Home - where help and support is offered to families when they need it most in their own homes.

At the moment, CHAS are supporting 250 families - including families who need bereavement support.

It costs over £7m every year for CHAS to carry out these vital services - and they rely heavily on public donations.

So what exactly do CHAS do?

The main aim of CHAS is to help children, young adults and their families with support and palliative care when it is needed.

At the hospices - Rachel House and Robin House - children, babies and young adults are cared for along with their families so they can spend time together as a family.

CHAS at Home cares for children and young adults in their own homes between hospice visits or if they are too ill to travel.

Both the Hospices and the CHAS at Home are vital and so, so necessary for any family with a child who has a life-shortening illness.

Every month, BagPurse has a "product of the month" where 10% of ALL sales of that particular product is donated to CHAS.   We also have Charity Events to help raise money too.   This year we have held a Charity Shopping Evening where, with the support of local businesses, we raised £1000.   And, only last week, we had a CHAS Halloween Fancy Dress Party - which again, was supported by local businesses.

From now until Christmas Eve, 10% of all sales from our Christmas Gift Page will be donated to CHAS - so now you can shop from the comfort of your own home - at the same time helping the vital services which are offered by CHAS.

To view our Christmas Gift Page, visit BagPurse at

Friday, 4 November 2011

How to Find Balance by Charlotte Morgan

“We can be sure that the greatest hope for maintaining equilibrium in the face of any situation rests within ourselves” (Francis J. Braceland, O Magazine, April 2003).

Today my blog is about finding balance – not any easy task. After having my son Jake and going back to work full time, moving house and getting married (among other things), I realised that I couldn’t have everything, and do everything simultaneously.  Even though most of these events were very happy, every day was a battle and under the strain I went bang!

 Between leaving my child in a nursery full time, other people’s thoughtless opinions and my own perceptions of what I ‘should’ be, I had a break down. The resulting counselling made me realise that I couldn’t be everything that I put pressure on myself to be. I was (and still am but in a more achievable way!) determined to be the best Mum, the best wife, the best housewife, the best daughter, the best friend, the best sister, the best employee that I could be with no mistakes allowed. As I type this, I realise how impossible all of that is – realistically something has to give. I am no superwoman, I am just a person and by being what I thought others needed me to be, somehow I got lost.

So what did I do? Firstly I took that huge step of admitting I wasn’t coping. I knew that one of my worst traits is to never give myself a break, both mentally and physically.  I then spoke to someone, who was outside of the situation. I am a huge believer in counselling, having completed some training and I talked, cried, shared my fears and found my courage and confidence again. Somehow I had lost it when I became a Mum and I’m sure many of you can relate to that.  For me, finding my equilibrium wasn’t simply about organising myself... that I can do. It was bigger than that. It was about relinquishing control that I thought I had over things that were uncontrollable.  It was removing the pressure I put on myself to be what other’s thought I should be. It was about trusting my instincts and having the nerve to take them forward.  It was about readjusting my perception of what I thought was important and finally asking for support. It was and still is about taking the power back.

So how do I keep it?  The balance in my life needs to be constantly evaluated. In the words of Frank Herbet (American Science Fiction Author and Writer 1920-1986) “There is no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves”.  This completely embodies what it is like for me.  Some days it’s perfect, some days it’s not but I am able to understand and be ‘ok’ with that.  I now know how to regain it and what is pivotal to maintaining it. What is that I hear you ask. It is me just as I am, warts and all.

I would love to hear your views and your experiences on how you find your balance.  Sending you all some peace, love and harmony.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Guest Blogger - Wee Print!

Wee Print is a graphic design and printing company based in the small village of Menstrie in Clackmannashire. It was set up in January 2010 by Jenny Johnston (mum of two). Let me tell you about the some of the services we can provide.


Your brand is priceless but do you maximise its value? The graphic design of your logo, business card and advertising are what people see when they look at your business. First impressions are hard to change. We can help you stand out from the crowd using graphic design to strategically communicate your messages. High quality graphic design and competitive prices mean we can support or become your marketing department. With great design your brand will work much harder for you.

Contact us today!


Wee Print prints a wide range of products from business cards to stickers.The Wee Print Store allows you to purchase our customer’s most favourite products online, as well as customising your goods by uploading your own designs! Order today and have them at your door within seven days! If you can’t find what you are looking for simply contact us via our website. We have some great offers on just now for example:

5000 x A5 135gsm glossy leaflets = £89.99 with free delivery

Go to our website, blog, facebook, twitter or linkedin page to get the latest offers.