Registered Charity Number SC019724 |
At BagPurse, we try, on an ongoing basis, to raise money for CHAS. What I would like to do is just to tell everyone a little more about who CHAS are and what they do.
CHAS is the only charity in Scotland that provides vital hospice services for children and young people with life-shortening conditions.
There are 2 Children's Hospices - Rachel House in Kinross and Robin House in Balloch. CHAS also run a home care service called CHAS at Home - where help and support is offered to families when they need it most in their own homes.
At the moment, CHAS are supporting 250 families - including families who need bereavement support.
It costs over £7m every year for CHAS to carry out these vital services - and they rely heavily on public donations.
So what exactly do CHAS do?
The main aim of CHAS is to help children, young adults and their families with support and palliative care when it is needed.
At the hospices - Rachel House and Robin House - children, babies and young adults are cared for along with their families so they can spend time together as a family.
CHAS at Home cares for children and young adults in their own homes between hospice visits or if they are too ill to travel.
Both the Hospices and the CHAS at Home are vital and so, so necessary for any family with a child who has a life-shortening illness.
Every month, BagPurse has a "product of the month" where 10% of ALL sales of that particular product is donated to CHAS. We also have Charity Events to help raise money too. This year we have held a Charity Shopping Evening where, with the support of local businesses, we raised £1000. And, only last week, we had a CHAS Halloween Fancy Dress Party - which again, was supported by local businesses.
From now until Christmas Eve, 10% of all sales from our Christmas Gift Page will be donated to CHAS - so now you can shop from the comfort of your own home - at the same time helping the vital services which are offered by CHAS.
To view our Christmas Gift Page, visit BagPurse at