By the 18th century, women's clothing became more fitting and this was when women began carrying small, silk embroidered pouches to carry their personal items - such as a handkerchief, fan, perfume, face powder and dance card.
In the Victorian period, handbags became very popular and became more like the handbags we know today. As well as drawstring bags, bags began to be made of different fabrics and colours to co-ordinate with an outfit and were circular or square shape and decorated with embroidery and beads.
By the early 20th century, women were carrying bags every time they left home and handbags were becoming more and more popular. And, handbags have adapted well through the ages - changing to accommodate what women considered necessary to carry within them. From the seeds and medicines of earlier years to sunglasses and cosmetics of more modern years. And the size of handbags has also adapted - it was once regarded as "lady-like" to carry as little as possible, therefore, handbags were small whilst the modern woman who works and has children, needs a large bag to carry as much as possible!!

Today, a woman would feel at a loss without her handbag. Her handbag shows her personal taste and carries her personal items and......secrets! And yet, the handbag fashion has never really been popular with men - whilst it is not uncommon to see a man with a courier bag or a messenger bag, men still prefer to use pockets to carry personal items. A man's suit will tend to have numerous external and internal pockets, a woman's suit or jacket, will only have a couple of pockets - and usually these are shallow or just for decoration.
So, in summary - a woman NEEDS her handbag.
Interesting article, I couldn't function without my handbag it's another attachment of my body! Mind you I could do with clearing it out once in a while! No matter how big or small my handbag is I still try and fit the same amount of 'stuff' in each one, why is that?! I will end up with uneven shoulders later on in life!!